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zendielacson Guestbook

ayoob28  (13 years ago)
god has given us two gifts. One is choice and another is chance. Choice is 2 select a good friend & chance is 2 have a best one like U
ayoob28  (13 years ago)
hai.... h r u ?
Bappo60  (13 years ago)
Fresh Air.... Fresh Idea.... Fresh Talent.... Fresh Energy.... I wish U to have a .....Sweetest Sunday, Marvellous Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Friendly friday, Successful Saturday.. Have a perfect life.. & i pray, all real good things by set ur life... Miss u dear.,,..,. TANJID
zendielacson  (13 years ago)
Hey bappo my friend & lastboyonearth thanks for the inspiring messages take care always
Bappo60  (13 years ago)
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Frndshp 4 ever" and its first chapter is Keep Smile alwyz.. I miss u my dear. . TANJID
TheLastBoyOnEARTH  (13 years ago)
WISHING yo 12 months of HAPPINESS, 52 weeks of FUN, 365 days of LAUGHTER, 8760 hours of GOOD- LUCK, 525600 minutes of JOY & 3153600 seconds of SUCCESS ,THROUGHOUT THIS YEAR!
Bappo60  (13 years ago)
I m strong bcoz I m weak. I'm beautiful because I know my flaws. I'm a lover because I m a fighter. I'm fearless bcoz I have been afraid. I'm wise bcoz I have been foolish. I can laugh bcoz I Have known sadness. & I'm lucky bcoz I have u. Miss u my dear frn . .♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ TANJID♥♥♥♥♥
zendielacson  (13 years ago)
Hey lastboyonearth thanks
TheLastBoyOnEARTH  (13 years ago)
I must have been born under a lucky star, to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end, if you promise to be forever ma friend !!!
zendielacson  (13 years ago)
Hey bappo my friend, thanks for being always there for me, take care and God Bless

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