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Idea for Valentine Days

monsoon175 Guestbook

tarekttoty  (13 years ago)

alien2012  (13 years ago)
thank u 4 keeping my secret.
alien2012  (13 years ago)
how sweet u r! thank u. btw, from yesterday to now here was monsoon oops! I mean rain how r u? good morning n take care
elameral  (13 years ago)
hi my dear friend
tarekttoty  (13 years ago)

elameral  (13 years ago)
god morning
tarekttoty  (13 years ago)

alien2012  (13 years ago)
ooo...I thought that 1 mango is enough for u. but u want more ok.. But take care abt ur teeth {Image} {Image} {Image} now u must have to shut up and make it secret good night and wish u have mangos in dreams. yammy
sunflower1234  (13 years ago)

lovely evening

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