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1Rose4u Guestbooksanjaayy1 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} The day I met you I found a friend - And a friendship that I pray will never end. Your smile - so sweet And so bright - Kept me going When day was as dark as night. This friendship we share Is so precious to me, I hope it grows and flourishes And lasts unto infinity. You are so extra-special to me And so this to you I really must tell: You are my one true friend..................¤ have a nice day.. {Image} {Image} youuuurrrr`s sanjay {Image} angelospeg (13 years ago) - More Beautiful Comments - More Beautiful - More Dark Roses Comments {Image} angel ravikumar2553 (13 years ago) good morning {Image} People Always Think That The Most Painful Thing Is Losing The One You Love In Your Life The Truth Is The Most Painful Thing Is Losing Your Self In The Process Of Loving SomeOne Too Much Forgetting That You're Special Too !!! {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) A BoY WaS TeAcHiNg a gIrL ArItHmEtIc, He sAiD It wAs hIs mIsSiOn.. He kIsSeD HeR OnCe; He kIsSeD HeR TwIcE AnD SaId, 'nOw tHaT'S AdDiTiOn.. iN SiLeNt sAtIsFaCtIoN, sHe sWeEtLy gAvE ThE KiSsEs bAcK AnD SaId, 'nOw tHaT'S SuBtRaCtIoN... ThEn hE KiSsEd hEr, ShE KiSsEd hIm, WiThOuT An eXpLaNaTiOn. AnD BoTh tOgEtHeR SmILEd aNd sAiD, 'ThAt's mUlTiPlIcAtIoN.. ThEn hEr dAd aPpEaReD UpOn tHe sCeNe aNd mAdE A QuIcK DeCiSiOn. He kIcKeD ThAt bOy tHrEe bLoCkS AwAy aNd sAiD, 'ThAts lOnG DiViSiOn! MaTh iS HaRd wHeN YoU CaUgHt hAvE A LaUgHiNg NighT {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} SwEEt DrEaMs moonriver175 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} | |