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Firdous28 Guestbook

jameel78  (13 years ago)
::::::::::::::!!!!!!!!!::::::::::::::::::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:::::::::::::: ?
Ritz4FrienDs  (13 years ago)
A prayer can go where I can't go. Through Prayers i can be with you without being there. I may be miles away but my prayers Will alwayz be with You . . . . . . . Good morning
Alien1989  (13 years ago)
Thanks again for accepting me as a frnd. Gud nght!! Frnd.
Ritz4FrienDs  (13 years ago)
Dear Customer Your sleeping service has been activated Now enjoy unlimited sweet drms browsing in ur bed. Good night.. sweet drms.... have a nice sleep....
Ritz4FrienDs  (13 years ago)
gOOd mOrniGIf I was an artist. you would be my picture!. If I was a poet. you would be my inspiration!. If I was an author you would be my story! But I'm only a cartoonist... keep smiling all day ~*Rizwan*~
Ritz4FrienDs  (13 years ago)
Smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips. Of course you know the first one Nah not kiss. Its keeping your mouth shut. ALLAH bless your naughty mind. good night.
Alien1989  (13 years ago)
Little smile a day keeps ur health perfect. So keep smiling:-)
Ritz4FrienDs  (13 years ago)
SILENCE Is d best Answer for all questions SMILE Is d best Reaction in all situations Unfortunately BOTH Never Help In any EXAM, VIVA, REVIEW & INTERVIEW..

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