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MrPaagal Guestbook

zizo202  (10 years ago)

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

'``°^°``''$t®ong p€op£€''``°^°``'

'``°^°``''Don't put oth€®$''``°^°``'


'``°^°``Th€¥ £¡ft th€m up``°^°``'

(",")(*,*)(',')GooD Mo®n¡ng(",")(*,*)(',')

'',,(*_*)H@v€ @ ___________D@¥(*_*),,''

thendral12  (10 years ago)
Means dnt knw hindi
soulmate160197  (10 years ago)


soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

M@¥ ALLAH f€£¡©¡t@t£ @nd f€£¡©¡t@t€ ¥ou ¡n th€ ®@©€ of £¡f€,''``°^°``'',,,,M@¥ ¥ou b€ b£€$$€d ₩¡th g¡g@n¡t¢ @©h¡v€m€nt$ ¡n ¢om¡ng up d@¥$ of ¥ou® £¡f€ ,''``°^°``'',,,,''``°^°``'',Good N!ght,''``°^°``'',,,,''``°^°``$₩€€t D®€@mzzZzz,''``°^°``'',,

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

,,''`°^°`'$t@rt ¥our d@¥'`°^°`'',

,,''`°₩¡th @ $m¡£€ on ¥our f@©€^`

,,''`°^@nd ¥ou ₩¡££ f¡nd th@t^°`'',,

,,''`°^@££ ¥ou g€t b@©k @r€^°`'',,

,,''`°^°`''$m¡£€ ¡n r€turn''`°^°`'',,

₩¡$h ¥ou @ v€r¥ GooD Morn¡nG

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

¡f ¥ou ₩@nt $om€th¡ng ¥ou n€v€r h@d,

Do $om€th¡ng ¥ou h@v€ n€v€r don€.

Don't go th€ ₩@¥ £¡fe t@k€$ ¥ou,

T@k€ th€ £¡f€ th€ ₩@¥ ¥ou go.

@nd r€m€mb€r ¥ou @r€ born to l¡v€,

Not £¡v¡ng b€©@u$€ ¥ou @r€ born.


soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

Two ways for ultimate
happiness in life:

Keep Calm


Keep Kaam se Kaam

Good Night

Sweet DreamzzZzz

NadanNadia  (10 years ago)

zizo202  (10 years ago)

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