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Sukusly Guestbook

Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
I just love when morning gets here , cuz i can send a great big good morning sms to my bestest friend , what a lovly way to start my day , its not an achievement to make 1000's friends in a year , but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years , good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
I Try To Beeee The Best Friend I Can Beeee , So Here U Go , Some Good Morning Flowers Right To You From Meeee , Good Morning God Picked Up A Flower & Dipped It In A Dew , Lovingly Touched It Which Turned In To U , & The He Gifted To Me & Said , THIS FRIEND IS 4U , i always missing u
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
God Sprinkles Tiny But Wonderful Seeds Of Blessings On Earth Each Day , , And I Just Caught One That's So Nice And True , , ITS YOU , good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
Be Happy With What You Have ,, While Working For What You Want ,, Remember , A Happy & Successful Life , , Being With God & End With God GooD MorninG
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
Age appears to be best in some things . Old wood best to burn . Old books best to read . Old rice best to eat & old friends best to keep . Good morning
Putunaidu  (12 years ago)
True affection cant be identified soon but when u loose it , u will feel & cry 4 the person 2 d whole life . So dont miss ur dear onces , good morning
Sukusly  (12 years ago)
U said u luv rain, but wen it rain u get an umberella. Same wit sun wen it shine u find a shade. Dat y am scared wen u say ''u luv me''!
Sukusly  (12 years ago)
Wot does it profit a gurl 2 buy a brazilian hair, fix eye larsh, nail n stil luk so odd
Sukusly  (12 years ago)
Wot does it profit a gurl 2 buy a brazilian hair, fix eye larsh, nail n stil luk so odd
Sukusly  (12 years ago)
If u dont wanna b 4gotton in pple mind owe a debt

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