edward230488(13 years ago) I knew.. N i'm just kidding too
LorraineHofer(13 years ago) yea thnx.. true dtm gona throw ur things outside d building,,.
SoUnCool(13 years ago) Oh gOd help yOu with tht full Schedull dude really!! and gOOd luck for everythin yOu do it really sucks ...anD Ima super super grEat, but fukin bOred -_-!! i guss i need tu Chill Out wiff ma hOmies again wat are yOh dOin?!! + yOu gOtta upload sOme pix of yOur band, i want tu see 'em
ShinYeong93(13 years ago) good night !! sorry for late reply..
SoUnCool(13 years ago) really hOlly shit!! i missD it but hOpe i can get in nxt time well, mah dai ws pretty nOicee, just finish skatin, n gOin tu kick Out wiff my hOmiess wbu?