SoUnCool(13 years ago) i do rEspect yOr drive fOr justic, bu i can nEver finD yOr actiOns excusable ;p so I'm sure yOu wll be caught sOmeday sOOner or later
SoUnCool(13 years ago) lOl Okiee sOunDs fair enOuGh, me anD L will wOrk Tgather tu Chapter yOu remeber Justic always win
SoUnCool(13 years ago) Light Yagami is so blOOdy intelleGent anD i aDore him...well, shOuld i feel gOOd if yOu became Kira? i hOpe yOr nOt gOin tu kill meh Oneday ...Then, Im L anD Near