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Jatt363 Guestbookwhitewine (12 years ago) A bEautiful rOsE fOr my lOvEly friEnd HavE a wOndErful day TakEcarE WhitEwinE whitewine (12 years ago) TO bE truStEd iS a grEatEr cOmplimEnt than tO bE lovEd HavE a nicE sunday my swEEty TakEcarE WhitEwinE whitewine (12 years ago) Boys...ager mere or wine k bech koi aaya to samjho wo mar gya lahse becha duga ,last warning.... dear friend mean whitewine (12 years ago) It iSn't that im a fraid tO diE It'S that i diE WhO will lOvE aS i dO HavE a lOvEly timE whitewine (12 years ago) HELLO WHEN I MISS YOU...MY HEART FEELS THE HEAT, WHEN I AM WITH YOU...EVERY MOMENT BECOME SWEET, DO YOU MISS ME WHITEWINE whitewine (12 years ago) Good Night I hOpE you slEEp cOmfOrtablE with thE angEl tOnight DrEamimg of you, WinE | |