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43themer Guestbook

daqx  (13 years ago)


Every day we live
A lot of stuff goes on
Choices to be made
Having conclusions to be drawn.

Distractions often annoy
And stress builds so easily
Yet we oft' are robbed of joy!

Hopefully, we can see
All the good surrounding us
Seeing it more than the folly.

Because it's not what life brings us
Life is a neutral thing
Enjoy it or despise it
Seek the good, or the bad will win!
So in life's mixed bag
Insist to cling to the best
Nurture a positive life
God will give you all His best!


God bless
daqx  (13 years ago)


Unconditional Love
A treasure to be cherished,
A gift from God above;
Is the beauty of every friendship,
A love that asks no questions,
Believes in all the best;
Never doubting, ever trusting,
Withstanding any test.
A love that weathers any storm,
And yet that love still stands;
Through the very darkest hour,
It still reaches out a hand.
There in that hand the sweetest gift,
That we can give..
A heart that cares, a love that shares,
That will be there till the end.
A treasure to be cherished...


This may take time to have and be really given..
Yet never stop trying...


God bless
daqx  (13 years ago)


I got down on my knees tonight,
And said a prayer for you,
I asked the Lord to send his angels,
To protect you,
I prayed that all the joy and happiness,
You have, will never end,

I asked the Lord to comfort you,
When you are feeling blue,
And when you have a tear,
He'll wipe away that too,

I asked the Lord to bless every friendship,
So ways will never part,
For hearts that cares always stick together.


God bless..

daqx  (13 years ago)
What is it that we all believe in that we cannot see
or hear or feel or taste or smell -
This invisible thing that heals all sorrows,
reveals all lies and renews all hope?
What is it that has always been and always will be, from whose bosom we all came and to which we will all return?
Most call it Time.
A few realize that it is God.


daqx  (13 years ago)


Close your eyes and thank God for today,
Because today was a gift given to you,
Not everyone has the gift of today,
So use it meaningfully,
Find time to smell the flowers,
Share your inner beauty,
Share your smiles,
Each day is always a new day, even after a rain..


Have a good day ahead with God's protection

Take care

daqx  (13 years ago)

Is a book better if you speed read it, or if you take your time and get lost in it?
Is a song better if you skim through it, or if you take the time to really listen?
Is food better if you cram it down your throat, or if you savor every bite and really appreciate the flavor?
Is your work better if you’re trying to do 10 things at once, or if you really pour yourself into one important task?
Is your time spent with a friend or loved one better if you have a rushed meeting interrupted by your emails and text messages, or if you can relax and really focus on the person?
Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment. That’s the simplest reason to slow down.

God bless

daqx  (13 years ago)

My soul is the piano, your words are the keys.
Together we compose, the best of symphonies.

How my soul replays your words of the day.
Like a composer writing a play.

I hear the music, as you strikes a key.
an orchestra, is what I see.

Two soul that share a common ground.
a friendship they have found.



God bless

daqx  (13 years ago)

Wishing you always...
Walls for the wind,

A roof for the rain
And tea beside the fire.

Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,

And all that your heart may desire...

God bless

daqx  (13 years ago)

Whether the sun is shining brightly or whether its pouring down rain?
whether the morning is bright or whether it's gray and overcast?
...God's promise is the dawn itself

daqx  (13 years ago)

Don't miss every chance or moments
there's something to laugh about.

Laugh out loud ! good food for the soul..

Life's too short...

God bless!


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