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symbianaddict  (11 years ago)
hello my dear frnd...
Howz ur life going..
Im fine n hope u r also fine.
Saw ur msg after many days..
If u hav time then mail me
God bless u n take care
symbianaddict  (12 years ago)
hi my dear frnd.
Hope ur fine and gud.
Plz take care..
symbianaddict  (12 years ago)
thanks u my frnd and I will always pray for ur gud life...

i also had to suffer through a lot of problems dear

symbianaddict  (12 years ago)
hi dear im fine
sorry i was not online frm many days as i had problems
family and financial

IM fine and hope so ur also fine

plz note my email id so that i and u will be in touch alwayz


symbianaddict  (13 years ago)
Hi dear frnd how ru
Im back to Ownskin almost about 1 year later

Hope ur Fine and will always remain my frnd

hope u remember me till now
Take Care!!

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