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sweet2salty Guestbook

sweet2salty  (12 years ago)
Happy Ramadan 2 All Friends
naba21O  (12 years ago)





Missed u My Frnd

vvvvRainDropsvvvv  (12 years ago)

naba21O  (12 years ago)

{Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}

Have a nice day ahead
klyshmo5  (12 years ago)

عند مآ ضمهآ لصدره X_X

maruf794  (12 years ago)

WhEn yOu FaLL In LOvE WiTh sOmEoNe,
DoN’T ThInK JuSt sTaRt eNjOyInG It.
BeCaUsE AfTeR SoMe tImE.
yOu wIlL NoT Be iN PoSiTiOn tO EnJoY AnYtHiNg...

{Image} {Image}

WhEn yOu aRe hApPy…
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe mOsT …
wHeN YoU ArE SaD….
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHo LovEs yOu tHe mOsT …

{Image} {Image} {Image}

thanx bro
nice saying

vvvvRainDropsvvvv  (12 years ago)

Keep on smiling

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