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Is it better to be truly democracy that all people can have a say in policy making for a country, or even a community like ownskin? Or will it better that the policies only make by some who has total power? In another words, do we really need government, or we can live peacefully, happily without one? Whats your say? (13 years ago)

Good topic.. According to me, we need some leadership to rule our socity because we are barbarians by genetically.. We cann't imagine a socity without any regulations.. By genetically human is not fit for group living.. So, to make him into group live we should make some policies and laws.. But unfortunately, the rulers/ politicians are staring in barbarianism..  (13 years ago)

That's right, if we are barbarians by genetically, then what different are our leaders ? How can we be sure that our leaders are always good ? And in fact, what is Good/Right or Bad/Wrong. If they lay policies that you like then they are Good/Right, if not they are Bad/Wrong ? I feel both model with or without government has their own strength and weakness, there is no perfect model, yet. (13 years ago)

all off topic posts deleted. if there are still post regarding personal attack, racist, fight etc, account will be terminated. (13 years ago)

"These questions confuse even the experts & befuddled even the teacher" That's To be truly democracy still needing a confidence leader & determined to make a decision under certain quirks like the boss's behavior demoralized everyone in the office cause to change; make different ; the advent of the policy may have altered the growth pattern of the city & even deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from ; cause to feel discouraged, be confusing or perplexing to an inconsistent policy that demoralized the staff & people in social-network... I think the first two here, rational & intuitive, are much more a description of models than decision making style & examples of the others are given above or are self evident...then you develop some confidence & moderate/arrange your government.,A huge variety of classifications of decision making style & if examples are available. While some of the classifications may be considered true., tick of perfect points of democracy adapt within views perfect of not-democracy (13 years ago)

then modify to govern for yours..The style attitude of one has power absolutely is not right way so that's why you need to arrange your government..stay in safe involves making the choice is the least amount of risk. & procrastination is, well, the procrastination decision making style. & examples are even given of when it is appropriate to use, or not to use, each of these types..others are more accurately a description of the decision making model being used. When you look at examples of decision making models this becomes more obvious..Live peacefully, happily are up how far you get into their minds under your govern but then also certainly on morally... Totally democracy is to allow somebody else to make a decision for you. This is often a decision mistake in and of itself. so it's weakness site itself...Then where somebody has potential/fully skilled over a particular decision. It is suggested that this is useful for very important decisions & an agony is Impulsive decisions are made with little or  (13 years ago)

or no consideration. The individual goes with their first reaction..otherwise resulting out will be like unfair ever.., best luck with sweet & quite perfectly attitudes stick on your goals.. (13 years ago)

from your sensing/intuition/ thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving. Testing indicates whether an individual is forbidden to & even it called lack of courtesy to judging others in all ..you might have assumed by my long comments , of course my type quite fast because I am from pc but linking to mobile version , then what the problem is?As well as extrapolating how individuals will function in groups here! So on... guys! (13 years ago)

Ammoo  (13 years ago)

Democracy is doom to fail. Look at Europe, they know what they need to do to reduce dept. It is very obvious, they need to cut spending. But they are not willing to do that, because it is a sure fire way to be kick out of government. So Democracy only encourages the policy makers to please everyone, and it might not be the correct thing to do.  (13 years ago)

but is it not everyone get please is the ultimate goal ? however, there is some catch here, how long can all the people be please ? is the decision make for current please in exchange of long term goal ? thailand has the same situation that ex-pm thaksin can please most of the poor by giving them more benefit, as majority are poor, thus he got major vote. a great leader should put his people priority before his own, but how many great leader really exists ? (13 years ago)

The interim Greek government, 1 of them is not willing to sign a declaration to cut cost, and many Greek people is supporting him. It all depend on the person who is elected. Taksin may please people now, But at what cost to the country ? Maybe the country is using up their reserve fast ? (13 years ago)

oh! yes , none against about it.. he got majority vote due pour a piece of his money bought those poor voice peoples as they are really innocent of all...not caused of they are fool but they are an innocent at all to goes with those black game,.. but after all he got by each project those that he made of corruption into his government , how has he taken back? that don't you see what's happening with them right now? when they got too crisis situation , :: no ! noone see & cares,.. on the hopes that they will got a little cure from the government that they made of chose.. how long then time they've got this on the contrary The Govt trying to make up & flatting to a peoples in capital city as they are actually know .,...what does government wanting is? in depth they want just make a AMNESTY his self as not even see what how mischief & ruined he has done the country.., ask me.. I was one of reseach & was in real situation on here! I was been around by my project searching each of people living out of the ca (13 years ago)

people living out of the capital city.. they been said that they quite touchy & disappointed to made & voted them up to be government right now! I hope everybody would like to open their eyes.. not to only listen from the leader of each villages , so from now on what they've learned not worthy if do comparision with The real life is in crisis....  (13 years ago)

Mostly of people those who are not be aware & know what the other is up to ??not to updates/ not to cyber society / not near by city etc of reason.. so resulting out " victim of be benighted" if think in depth & penetrate & see through someone' s trick.. They would not choose to be only the victim be used fight on politic.! (13 years ago)

 (13 years ago)

Democracy is noting ,,,,,jst a Act,,, through which people elect there enemy (politician),,,,,,,,,,,,we no that we had power to choose our leader through our valuable vote ,,,,,,,bt for sake of few amount etc ,,,,,,,we do wrong decision,,,,,,,, so democracy depends on people,,,,,,,,,,,, (13 years ago)

When human r dishonest, damocracy also have dishonesty. So what is damocracy!  (13 years ago)

@alien2012 "democracy" from the people(you too) choose their leaders by the people decide who will represent them in parliament,then should have to accept what will happen... (13 years ago)

@whitewine, people choose their leader for their own benfit, not for their city/state/country benfit. Btw, i can't come in those silly people. Btw, if damocracy is gud, then y there is so much dishonesty spreaded ? (13 years ago)

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