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 what do girls like in there boyfriends

hey what do all girls like in there dream boyfriends or lover reply (14 years ago)

Money Money Money (14 years ago)

All Round performance (14 years ago)

as for myself.. i want somebody who can feed my thoughts...lol  (14 years ago)

All the girl just need our sperma..  (14 years ago)

thany for reply (14 years ago)

kuwill, ur sperm r all urs..lmao ..hahahahaha (14 years ago)

hai (14 years ago)

i want from the girl to feal me without taking/ to understand my action without asking/to give me the feeling that we are one person one heart one mind and think girls also want that (14 years ago)

i want from the girl to feal me without taking/ to understand my action without asking/to give me the feeling that we are one person one heart one mind and think girls also want that (14 years ago)

i want from the girl to feal me without taking/ to understand my action without asking/to give me the feeling that we are one person one heart one mind and think girls also want that (14 years ago)

i want from the girl to feal me without taking/ to understand my action without asking/to give me the feeling that we are one person one heart one mind and think girls also want that (14 years ago)

i want from the girl to feal me without taking/ to understand my action without asking/to give me the feeling that we are one person one heart one mind and think girls also want that (14 years ago)

i thnk dey need compasion security n 1 huz dea 2 tok wid (14 years ago)

sm1 huz cocky funy understandable of ol dat dey nid sm1 huz worth livin in dea dreamz (14 years ago)

all we need is love=) (14 years ago)

I think boyfriends are carer than to girls and ...No money also fiends speak. Yeah, wonderful ! (14 years ago)

All girls not want boy but they want a big nd hard c o c k for their a s s hole nd narrow p u s s y . (14 years ago)

All girls not want boy but they want a big nd hard c o c k for their a s s hole nd narrow p u s s y . (14 years ago)

i love you (14 years ago)

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