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 Does "True Love" happens Only one time in all over Life...???

what do u think...??? (14 years ago)

I m confused...Yaar (14 years ago)

Only one time!I'm shure! (14 years ago)

Only one time!I'm shure! (14 years ago)

maybe , maybe not... (14 years ago)

It happens more dan once i've witnessed it (14 years ago)

It happens more dan once i've witnessed it (14 years ago)

Thanks to all keep viewing..... (14 years ago)

u don't know why...??? (14 years ago)

There is no true or false in love.  (14 years ago)

There is no true or false in love.  (14 years ago)

no true love in this world.. There's just long love story.... (14 years ago)

love is a lust . i say no love no tension (14 years ago)

love is a lust . i say no love no tension (14 years ago)

true love one time in our life. (14 years ago)

its not true that true love remain once in a life time. But its filling always stays with us. So we fill that it for once . It can be once more if two perfect gathered (14 years ago)

its not true that true love remain once in a life time. But its filling always stays with us. So we fill that it for once . It can be once more if two perfect gathered (14 years ago)

anyone can have more than one true love, but only one soul mate..lol  (14 years ago)

god gave us hearts to love not for once or twice but for ever we may success in our first love or no and then we must go on till we find our distney if you stoped to love that mean you dead or u no long a human (14 years ago)

god gave us hearts to love not for once or twice but for ever we may success in our first love or no and then we must go on till we find our distney if you stoped to love that mean you dead or u no long a human (14 years ago)

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