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need a good advice!i!ve been couple with this girl 4 2 years,the things is she is 'royal' blood something that i just knew last month.myself?nobody,just a street photographer.i love her,but u know the situation right now.plz guy,good advice plz. (14 years ago)

heard friend, we're not in the middle age, her blood is so pure and red as your (uncles you don't have a blood desease) it is foolist to continue to see people who think that the human beings are a big name or a royal title. The virtues an good feelings make us human beings of "pure blood". Forget those complex and be happy man, the life is unique. we are in the 21st century (the century of the abnormal, fortunately) better convince yourself that she must have seen something special in you among so many people. Well hope i've helped.  (14 years ago)

thnks hamlet's, (14 years ago)

you are welcome friend. The friend are to help! (14 years ago)

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