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 as if i'm travelling while ur sharing

Im really curious on other countries around the globe. I really love to hear from other nation what their country looks alike. What culture abides on you? Ur tradition? Is their inequality among woman and man in ur place? What food do u pRefer m0st? S0mething like that. I want to learn deeper (14 years ago)

arm_delete2@hotmail.com (14 years ago)

hi new frnd happy new year (14 years ago)

Tradition? Hmm.. In our country we have to wear bju cara melayu 4 men., n 4 women wearing a baju kurung. U would see this clothes when people have to go a weading ceremony because thats are our tradition. (14 years ago)

Visit my place..!west borneo...u can find uniquely culture..n we have the longest river in indonesia.!!n we have the big canon carbite..n many else who must u intresting with my place..!!plz welcme to our place..!west borneo (14 years ago)

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