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 why do pakistani hate Indians and Chines support Pakistani

are they insane also America funds them? (14 years ago)

coz pakistani n indians comes in the same category. (14 years ago)

@jay, sory, i did not tell that i have answered only a part of the quest.'why do pakistani hate Indians' they r the in same category. Coz..1. They all r human. 2. Bfor 1947, they lived like as brothers. 3. Aftr n a lil bfor 1947,Reason: y they hate. (14 years ago)

America has beenfunding pakistan(not india) for along time now .who do you thinkcreated the taliban and al qaeda ?during the '71 indo-pak war , americaeven pleaded withchina to wage waragainst india so that pakistan couldwin (thankfully ,the chinese didntcooperate backthen) . as for pakistanishating india , onereason is kashmir .even though theruler of kashmirceded the state to india , pakistanwanted the statefor itself . also ,pakistan's hatetowards indiaincreased since '71 , when bangladeshwas created . the chinese seeindia as a primecompetitor ( twolarge nuclearpowers with 1billion+ population each and rapidlydevelopingeconomies.obviously theywould have a lot ofinfluence in the 21st century .) and theyare doing all theycan to restrainindia . pakistan ,with its violentimage , offers a good veil for thechinese to do theirdirty work . (14 years ago)

Ys, indanz & pakz we are brotherz (14 years ago)

not all Pakistanis hate Indians.,I'm an Indian.i can hug or offer a firm handshake toany Pakistani.I(We) don't have any personaloffenses with them.,But what the fact isKashmir.,Kashmir is always a part of India.Butsome of the organizations in Pakistan areencouraging a set of people in Kashmir to claim for a separate Nation and they were makingthis as a political issue.It doesn't take that muchtime to destroy the entire Pakistan likeHiroshima and Nagasaki.,But that is not whatIndia needs.,Chinese.,????????????/It is a wellknown fact India and China are in open competition to become a super power by2020.Chinese are very clear that they won'tdefeat r defend India in any way.,that's y theare supporting Pakistan.,ur enemies enemy is urfriend.,got that  (14 years ago)

not all Pakistanis hate Indians.,I'm an Indian.i can hug or offer a firm handshake toany Pakistani.I(We) don't have any personaloffenses with them.,But what the fact isKashmir.,Kashmir is always a part of India.Butsome of the organizations in Pakistan areencouraging a set of people in Kashmir to claim for a separate Nation and they were makingthis as a political issue.It doesn't take that muchtime to destroy the entire Pakistan likeHiroshima and Nagasaki.,But that is not whatIndia needs.,Chinese.,????????????/It is a wellknown fact India and China are in open competition to become a super power by2020.Chinese are very clear that they won'tdefeat r defend India in any way.,that's y theare supporting Pakistan.,ur enemies enemy is urfriend.,got that  (14 years ago)

Intsik Galit bumbay kachi kalaban negoscho sila dalawa. . Bumbay pautang, intsik ayaw utang. .  (14 years ago)

Because we are stout,handsome and intelligent. (14 years ago)

Hello frinds (14 years ago)

hi... I can be friends with you guys (14 years ago)

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