How do you Know About this OwnSkin site? Is anybody recommended to you? (13 years ago)
Hmmmmmm... Me too nafaa.. Once I searched the sites for creating own themes.. Than I got this site.. I didn't create any profile at that time... I'll go only to themes, wallpapers, flash.. Than only I created my id as PhoeniXBalakkl.. (13 years ago)
smart network offer me diz app. (13 years ago)
i enter the website that have a new style theme them it appear on my application ... Be4 i never enter this forum but i just open 2 see the comment n download theme .... But when i seen that all of u always create a new different topic 2 discuss eventhough we are not the same nation but we still can make a joke , esp i can know more about the other country ..... It's reason that i enter this forum .... Make me not alone n happy with all of u ........ .he he he he (13 years ago)
same with me.. I download themes from some site, while installing theme, i found the link in the popup. (13 years ago)
i searchd google 4 gud themez, so am hre., (13 years ago)
one day i was trying to downlad when i saw a commit that was 'where people meet people ' in own skin .com and realey that is my 1st commit side (13 years ago)
1st i came here only for downloading thems and wellpapers and my brother told with me about this site.. (13 years ago)
(13 years ago)
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