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 Big Bang

Do you believe the Big Bang Theory..? (14 years ago)

thats theory create by human we can't prove it...but existence of the cosmos is a secret of Creator. (14 years ago)

Who is the creator and what is the necessisty to create this cosmos?  (14 years ago)

that is just a fantasy. (14 years ago)

the Creator is ALLAH, no body know it wat's the necessity to create this cosmos...onLy ALLAH know the answer.  (14 years ago)

Ho.. The Nature has many many secrets in it.. We canon't realize that secrets.. Just we coined the name God for these secrets.. That means, we created the god..  (14 years ago)

We are all gods.. The pure heart is called The God.. If you have the Pure heart in you, you are the god.. Just realize yourself... Then you can easily that the god is in your heart.. (14 years ago)

I believe . (14 years ago)

I think no 1 is God. God is abstract. And no 1 can knw abt God. (14 years ago)

We can see the materials only by our eyes.. We can eat only by our mouth... We can hear only by our ears.. Similarly, we can realize the god only by our heart because the god is in us.. There is no need to call the god as, He, She.. It is the concept only.. The secret of Nature is called as God.. (14 years ago)

i beliv...,, (14 years ago)

God is God, not we, not u, not i. We, u, i, wiLL nver gonna b gods. Duty of Pure heart just bLieve in God. (14 years ago)

@phoenix can you differentiate btw God and god? (14 years ago)

I agree with Phoenix.. God is a concept.. He/she/it is not ruling the world by sitting in the heaven.. Just we say the secret of the nature in many names.. Thats Allah, Shiv etc.. There is an Inscrutable one in the cosmos.. The god wont show the good way to lead your life.. You only create the path to yourself to survive in this world.. If you believe that the god in the temple, mosque, church thats your wish.. But, the fact is god is not anywhere but in your heart.. I think this a very good topic to share our thought but not for argue.. (14 years ago)

Hi Pemuwa.. I think, the word God is used by Christianity and the word god is used by other religion people.. Am I correct? If it is wrong, please explain me my clever boy.. (14 years ago)

The secret of nature is God. Thats true. But its nt true that God is in heart. If it is true then there shouldn't hate in heart for other. (14 years ago)

The secret of nature is God. Thats true. But its nt true that God is in heart. If it is true then there shouldn't hate in heart for other. (14 years ago)

@phoenix, how u differentiate btw since of word God n god ? (14 years ago)

Ok.. Then, where is god..? Is it (he) in everywhere in this world..? If it is true, why we couldn't see him? Why couldn't hear his voice? God is in our heart is.... he is not sitting or living in our heart.. But, our heart is the god.. This topic is not for getting emotion.. Don't get angry with others.. Just we are analysing the various thoughts our friends about the god.. (14 years ago)

U said God is in our heart n our heart is d'god....which d'right 1 ? (14 years ago)

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