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 Lazy night!!

Last night a cockroach disturbs me 4 times while i am sleeping i tried to ignore him 3 times at last i killed thd scroundral... (10 years ago)

Breaking News  (10 years ago)

Cocro@ch but how u noe d@t cocro@ch gender (10 years ago)

As it was a lazy night, so he hardly cares if it was 'him' or 'her'  (10 years ago)

Shenky Ke Ammi Ki Palang Tod Chooodai  (10 years ago)

Good to see that peoples are njoyng my post (10 years ago)

So b!rdy how @bout !f d@t cocro@ch !s fem@leu th!nk he k!ll demgosh ! C@n !m@g!ne d@t sorryd@mn b@d n error br@!n ! Hvegosh my stom@ch,, (10 years ago)

If it was female, i bet it must have made "too much noise" while visiting 3 times his body .... Cause females; u know .. they are chatty cathy, be it any life form  (10 years ago)

I hate it when cockroach is roaming around the room so even everyone is already sleeping, I don't care if they got awaken, i just wanna kill the cockroach  (10 years ago)

B!rdyjust !s !t? Nuth!n do @nyth!n b@d huh yup k ! Hte dem too d@ts y my room @lw@ys cle@n so d@t !nsect not com!n !n my room n ! Prep@re !nsecrt k!ller(10 years ago)

valentine ... ur bad  (10 years ago)

Mizz valentina are u saying that i didn't cleanup my room:O  (10 years ago)

 (10 years ago)

B@d @s @lw@ys b!rdy forb!dden nop just wht ! Noe cocro@ch com!n home when our home not 2 much cle@n n r@!ny se@son.. (10 years ago)

 (10 years ago)

Be equitable guys simone n valentine  (10 years ago)

D@ts d@ truth forb!ddenn keep kul (10 years ago)

Ok ok i belv u guys yep its true my room is Quite dirty but hey i m a bachelor and dirty room is the synonym of every male bachelerate in world (10 years ago)

Try d!s solut!on..dun put garbge !n our room..rat n cocroach like sleep dern try 2 spr@y cocro@ch r!dsect !n ever sm@ll sp@ce !n our room,so dey w!ll surely d!e (10 years ago)

hey thats not true! m too bachelor but my room is neat & clean.... You must have power over your room mate to make him do the things which he would otherwise not do  (10 years ago)

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