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Hi to every one frndz i use nokia 5300 i hav a problem that my fone's bleu toøth is not working..when i go to the bleutooth menu and clik on the "ON"butten nothing happens.so my bleutooth is not getting on....what can i do to get it ryte?plz help me. (13 years ago)

i dont know what would b the pblm in ur phone. Bt I've sm tips may b ur mob. Bt will works.. Check ur bluetooth 1. After removing sd card. 2. Restore all 3. *#9990# 4. If not, u should go to mob. Repairing centre.  (13 years ago)

now you need to go to nokia cayr and they will make your mobile good  (13 years ago)

I am the best friend of my life (13 years ago)

i think u slect the hiddeo option of bluetooth..so slect the option show visbilty.. (13 years ago)

i think u slect the hiddeo option of bluetooth..so slect the option show visbilty.. (13 years ago)

I agree with nafaa and sharma  (13 years ago)

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