secretwitch (13 years ago) sorry 4 late.2day i ate at 5 pm..gud dream,brother
secretwitch (13 years ago) just finishhave a nice day,brother
secretwitch (13 years ago) gud morning,bongpros
secretwitch (13 years ago) gud night,brothersleep well
Lyna1766 (13 years ago) fine thank and u?
secretwitch (13 years ago) usually i eat at 9 o'clock 4 breakfast n at 1 o'clock 4 lunch..som gud luck na bongbros
secretwitch (13 years ago) m not small and not big..but my heart big n m behaviour kmeng..a lot of people said that my mind old
secretwitch (13 years ago) bongpros knhom ort chroleum te but i chleuy gud night
secretwitch (13 years ago) yes,eat already..m fine na bongbros
secretwitch (13 years ago) ham chab arrom knhom?haha,niyeay leng te
secretwitch (13 years ago) haha,my habit is don't tell phone number to guyshate kar niyeay phone..but like write sms...sorry na..kmeng touch
secretwitch (13 years ago) eh,speak wrong..not IFL but UHS
secretwitch (13 years ago) hey,m busy nas..when u online m studying at IFL..wish u have a nice meal.i just finish lunch
VIREAK71 (13 years ago) Hi my friend
Mey826 (13 years ago) Ohho.i'm fine.and u?