maruf794 (13 years ago)
WhY Do wE NeEd cLoSe fReNz? 4 ThOsE HoNeSt oPiNiOnS... . -2 pIcK Us fRm rAiLwAy sTaTiOn @ 2Am... . -2 KiCk u aT MiDnIgHt oN Ur b’...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
ThOuGhTfUl sAyInG AbOuT LoVe: 'LUv dOeSnT AsK WhO R U? LUv oNlY SaYs u r mInE. LUv dOeSnT AsK WhErE R U FrOm? LuV OnLy sAyS U LiV...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
'aS YoU ThInK.. YoU TrAvEl,, aNd aS YoU LoVe,, yOu aTtRaCt.. yOu aRe tOdAy wHeRe yOuR ThOuGhTs hAvE BrOuGhT YoU; yOu wIlL Be tOmOrRoW WhErE YoUr ...
Sachien93 (13 years ago)
"Never get tired of doing little things for lovable persons...Bcoz sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part in their hearts"... GOOD...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
'LifE iS a sToRy wRittEn oN GODS oWn hAnD, I dONt kNOw eXaCtLy hOw YoU cAmE iN mY sToRy, BuT i hOpE yOu wiLL bE iN tOuCh uNtiLL GOD wRitEs mY Las...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
'It doESn't mAttEr WhAt LifE bRinGs oUr wAy.. Now,i’LL aLwAyS rEmEmbEr... How yOu wErE thErE foR mE.. PoUriNg rAiN,frEEziNg snOw Or bLaZiNg sUn.....
maruf794 (13 years ago)
{Image} 'Hi! How's yOu? ThE FiRst quEstiOn I aSkEd yOu.. I dOn’...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic, he said it was his mission. He kissed her once; he kissed her twice and said, “Now that’s addition.” In sil...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
'WhEn yOu arE fAlliNg.. aNd cAn’t sAvE yOuRsElf.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu arE cRyiNg.. aNd cAn’t seE aN eNd.. ...
SANU30 (13 years ago)
maruf794 (13 years ago)
'ArE wE frndS oR ArE wE noT ? YoU tolD mE oncE...buT i forgoT.. So telL mE noW... anD telL mE truE.. sO i cAn sAy... I aM herE foR u.. Of ...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
A bOnD oF lOvE... A mEdAl oF tRuSt... A sHoUldEr iN saDnEsS... A hAnD iN dArKnEsS... A spEciAl rElAtiOn tO hOlD... An eAr wHerE sEcrEts cAn bE tO...
SANU30 (13 years ago)
"I believe in Angels sent from the haven. I am surounded by Angels, but i call them FRENDS"HAVE A GUD DAY FOR U & UR SOME NEW FRENDS
maruf794 (13 years ago)
hI RiDi 'GOD iS aLwAyS plAyiNg chEsS witH uS. HE mAkEs mOvEs iN oUr LIFE & thEn sitS bAcK tO sEe hOw wE rEaCt to thE CHALLENGES. So mAkE thE bESt...
maruf794 (13 years ago)
{Image} Is aNyboDy oUt tHerE? It fEelS likE.. I’m tAlkiN tO mYsElf.. No onE sEemS tO kNoW.....
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