daqx (14 years ago) “May God grant you always...A sunbeam to warm you, A moonbeam to charm you, A sheltering Angel so nothing can harm y...
Arka91 (14 years ago) No matter how much far we have... No matter what is our relation... No matter our caste... No matter what our age ...Only matter we are friends.....
daqx (14 years ago) "Relationships--of all kinds--are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is....
Arka91 (14 years ago) Halo brOther what do you do? I asking about you proffetion.
Love2kondal (14 years ago) hi bhaiya good morning have a nice,sweet how r you bhaiya i hope you'r fine
daqx (14 years ago) When troubles and problems come your wayremember that the only way to the mountain top is throughthe valley.. [/...
Arka91 (14 years ago) Don't give me thanx bhaiya...you elder than me... GOOD NIGHT...SWEET DREAMS...SEE YOU...NEXT DAY...SLEEP WELL....
Arka91 (14 years ago) Is that your photo? Good style man... Keep it up...
daisyphilgirl (14 years ago) hi good day to u... 123Friendster.com - More Valentines Day Comments
Love2kondal (14 years ago) wellcome my friend list Happy valentines day!!
Love2kondal (14 years ago) V-valuableA-affectionateL-loveableE-eternalN-nobleT-truthfulI-intimateN-naturalE-enamous Happy valentines day enjoy tha day yöur girlfriend !! wi...
Arka91 (14 years ago) Happy Velantine day... Enjoy the day with your girlfriend... Wish love always stay wish you....
daqx (14 years ago) I will cross the river ... I will climb the highest mountain ..[...
Arka91 (14 years ago) Don't say me sorry brother... Friendship is without any condition so here is no sorry no thank you... I'm happy for that you read my message and ...
Arka91 (14 years ago) What happen Chandru bhai? No message from you...for me... Miss you brother... take care...