maryjean14 (12 years ago) bhe ?
bluesea78 (12 years ago) {Image} bluesea78 (12 years ago) A boy was dying of cancer and needed an expensive brain surgery, but his family, broke and desperate, couldn't afford it. His 8 year old...
venziel03 (12 years ago) rhodora uziel roxas ormasa fb aCcount
priscluv (12 years ago) HelloMy name is Priscilla, i saw your profile today and becameinterested in you,i will like you to respond direct to my emailso i can give ...
Misczhikee (12 years ago) Ur lae kobayashi on fb ryt?
333968 (12 years ago) TAKE CARE ...
bubbles54 (12 years ago) sa fb lang xa activ
bubbles54 (12 years ago) 20? see? Y0ung as my y0unger sis.
bubbles54 (12 years ago) gud ambub,23,nueva bwt u? U lo0k so y0ung.
maryjean14 (12 years ago) psst. .pcnxa kna bgla ako nwla knna. di na ko mkaPM eh.
akoxiipipay (12 years ago) thnx din. . .
akoxiipipay (12 years ago) GOODMORNING HAVE A GREAT DAY TAKE CARE
bluesea78 (12 years ago) {Image} nabilalovers (12 years ago) thank you