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folimds@Кредит под залог квартиры

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Mister Li Wang Wei, appear кредит под залог квартиры, has not paid attention on the death of the Mongol, he still fixedly looked in depth of a grotto.

Were chosen back the same course and when have sat down on horses, Andrey has asked in a whisper:

— I did not read that Kyrgyz made loss of human life.

— They also did not bring. It is a secret, military cult. Without the victim it is impossible кредит под залог квартиры, any case will not turn out.

— Why they have shown us this cave? We are strangers. We will be killed?

— We will not find herd and the boy yet, nothing threatens us. So do not think of it.

Some time they went silently, hoofs softly knocked on the dry earth.

— And why there bird? Behind the head of it кредит под залог квартиры… in a cave.

— What bird? — The master has even turned to Andrey, having obviously been surprised. — There was no bird. There were ancient Numbers put long before Kyrgyz have brought this gold Boddkhisattva from a campaign. I shall see these Numbers surely.

— And I saw a bird. What does it mean?

— That for a bird. We will tell, the Phoenix — a sign of the majestic power, its image is embroidered on ceremonial clothes of the Chinese emperor. A white crane — an immortality sign кредит под залог квартиры. Images of couple of cranes are carried by Taoist priests.
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Relation: Is a Secret
Skinner Since: 8 years ago
Last Login: 8 years ago

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