zealouswhite93 (12 years ago) girl, am also from Nigeria and in lagos as well
zealouswhite93 (12 years ago) hello
mariobros188 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} chmanch75 (12 years ago) thnz minat 9ce 2 mt u
mariobros188 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} damollar (12 years ago) hello angel
flyingme (12 years ago)
Aminat53 (12 years ago) Happi friday fnds av a lovely week end rest.
Aminat53 (12 years ago) Oh but if ur mush swag has fail you in doin sometin to excel pls quit,dominate ur thought nd let ur succes dreams ignite those mush swag of urs..
Jiri1love (12 years ago) I dont brag nor use my pant to srag but can i do with this mush swag
Aminat53 (12 years ago) Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools.
blossom76 (12 years ago) I need a lady for a tight and serious relationship pls if u re interested kindly send me a private msg 2 me my love muah muah gud a.m.
blossom76 (12 years ago) Hi sweet angel hw was ur nite?i hope it was fine hw is ur family 2 i hope everybody is fyne 2 i need a lady 4 a tight and serious relationship if...
Jozzy16 (12 years ago) Hellow!
Aminat53 (12 years ago) I hated every minute of the tranning my parent gave me but i said to myself don't quit,suffer now and live the rest of ur life as a champion.