shyangel12 (12 years ago)
Enjoy the little things in life.
For one day you'll look back and realize
They were the big things.
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
A lifetime, or a galaxy,
There is no return.
The light shifts,
And moves on.
Each moment precious...
Lived on...
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
...Take Care...
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
cuteNovy (12 years ago)
ياتلك القلوب الحائرة..... ياتلك الجراح النازفة.... ياتلك العيون الدامعة.... الى متى؟ الى متى تبقين هكذا.....؟ الى متى تبقين نائمة...
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it
بعض الناس يجعلون حياتك سعيدة ، فقط بتواجدهم فيها
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
Drago0179 (12 years ago)
Ok il kep dat in mind 10x 4 dat rely swet of u Ace
Actuly i kinda need u ryt nw on sumthng, smthng personal...
Ace0426 (12 years ago)
When the sun shines,
we'll shine
together. Now it's
more than ever. Know
that we'll still have
other. You can sta...
shyangel12 (12 years ago)
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