FaizIsBack hellO eveyone - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack feed me!! - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack my laptop just broke down -_- - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack cant sleep arg,.... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack bored!!!! Noting to do >< - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack very ill and want to go to sleep so bye Peps - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack tonight is karoke night woohoo - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack very Bored....... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
FaizIsBack i got beaten up from my brother ......... - (15 years ago)Comment (3)