Happy Sunday - (11 years ago)Comment (0)
RIRIN9739 (11 years ago) The HARDEST thing in LOVE to do is when your HEART said GO! while your BRAIN said NO!
flyingme (12 years ago) HI GOOD MORNING
Fajar0918 (12 years ago) mksih y salam knal ?
zizo202 (12 years ago)
RiDZX80 (12 years ago) Night is a wonderful opportunityto take rest,to forgive,to dream,to smile andto get ready for all the battlethat you have to fight to...
tuanmudarohim (12 years ago) okay Siapa n' dmna ?
tuanmudarohim (12 years ago) Thank you
hilman011 (12 years ago) makasih..,lam knal yah..
nyrho (12 years ago) km anak ambon tah!
Shoaibie (12 years ago) _____________|* ________]*|* (________|* ________]*ID *|* (________[___________]*MUBARAK!To You And Your Family.And g...
2351033 (12 years ago) makash ririn...
Josa51 (12 years ago) kmu dimana rin..
Josa51 (12 years ago) hai...
Shoaibie (12 years ago) The word "salut" means both "hello" and "goodbye".*The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent".:...