AymanAlrawy (10 years ago)
tarekttoty (10 years ago)
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tarekttoty (10 years ago)
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tarekttoty (10 years ago)
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axeleve1898 (10 years ago)
I love u ....goodbye tssssk pain...;(;(
tarekttoty (10 years ago)
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axeleve1898 (10 years ago)
I hate those days that remind me of everything i want to forget...
axeleve1898 (10 years ago)
;(Cry as hard as me want to,but make sure,when i'm stop crying,i'll never cry for the same reason again.
mizran (10 years ago)
mizran (10 years ago)
Moses3464 (10 years ago)
believe in your dreams and they will become reality
axeleve1898 (10 years ago)
Good morning to everyone......happy sunday...
axeleve1898 (10 years ago)
;(Remember all good memories,that you've shared then cry it out,then remember all d bad things that happened and sMiLE.
Ajay4983 (10 years ago)
Good morning my lovable dear,,,,,
axeleve1898 (10 years ago)
Life is about laughing&living in good&bad times,getting through whatever comes our way&looking back with a smile.
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