daisy089 (10 years ago)
amitabh69 (12 years ago)
asu81 (12 years ago)
Ace0426 (12 years ago)
We thank the Lord for all the BLESSINGS....Thanks for being part of this LIFE... May you be BLESSED beyond what You EX...
denilskim (12 years ago)
☀ Never look for a good face, it will turn old one
☀ Never look for a good skin, it will wrinkle one
☀ Never look for a hot body,...
denilskim (12 years ago)
Frm thz moment lyf hs begun
frm thz moment u r da 1 right
bsd u is whea i belong frm thz
moment on,frm thz moment i
hv bn blsd il eva live 4 ...
mylove0015 (12 years ago)
Thanks 4 visit my profile , Good after noon
denilskim (12 years ago)
A Driver Was Driving His Boss
To The Airport, The
Boss Noticed That He Forget An
Important Document
@Home So He rush Back Home ,
His Wife Wa...
denilskim (12 years ago)
Think thz.. Was A Very Happy Person.
My Wonderful Girlfriend And I
Had Been Dating For Over A
Year, And So We Decided To
Get Married. There W...
denilskim (12 years ago)
Today, many will awaken
with a fresh sense of
inspiration. Why not you?
Have an inspired day & Good
Morning ^dia blessd day
najmejoon (12 years ago)
denilskim (12 years ago)
PLS DNT IGNORE 1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 ...
denilskim (12 years ago)
Love is a friendship set on fire n evry love we send out to others wll bounce back to u,mail me on{denilskim1@hotmail.com}thnx and hope we know e...
denilskim (12 years ago)
Love is a friendship set on fire n evry love we send out to others wll bounce back to u,mail me on{denilskim1@hotmail.com}thnx and hope we know e...
denilskim (12 years ago)
Mens r suppose to love and protect there womens not to hurt & bettray thm
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