Age dose not protect you from love, but love to some extent protects you from age. - (11 years ago)Comment (0)
soulmate160197 (10 years ago) GoOoOoDMoOrnInG
soulmate160197 (10 years ago) Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through g...
soulmate160197 (10 years ago) Gόõð Μøŗήίήĝ
ibrahim9837 (10 years ago) … ..Hello my frien rome.. your welcome. caruse we missing you.. happy satursay to you too. lovely weekend....
rome54 (10 years ago) ..YA....I LOVE GIRL...I'M HEER FOR LOVE..
danelfiriel (11 years ago) Don't be sad for the bad things that happen to you....Remember that Everything happens for a reason! ibrahim9837 (11 years ago) missing you my frien rome. ..wher are U. ..happy saturday Nice times Ibrahim ;-)
ibrahim9837 (11 years ago) ___
danelfiriel (11 years ago) Happy New Year to you my dear friend!! May 2014 bring you Health, Love, Happiness, Strength, Suc...
danelfiriel (11 years ago) Seeing is believing, but sometimesthe most real things in the world are things we can't see...! danelfiriel (11 years ago) Snowflakes are unique!There could be millions in a day but yet all different to each other!They are tiny but extremely com...
danelfiriel (11 years ago) Have a very sweet Thursday!! danelfiriel (11 years ago) Wanting not to make someone sad isn't kindness.. It's selfishness because you don't want to be responsible for someone's tears... ...
danelfiriel (11 years ago) Sometimes the only thing you need to dois to trust yourself! ibrahim9837 (11 years ago) Hi....Brother .. Ya I have many friends..cause I love & great my friends..Have A wonderful day Best wishes 2have mor friends..Ibr...