star1888 hmm, I <3 him - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah im smiling, but inside im dying 3 - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 so tired... - (14 years ago)Comment (1)
star1888 HUNGRYYYYY. - (14 years ago)Comment (1)
star1888 I want to kill myself... i have nothing to live for anymore... i want an easy way out... im such a quitter... - (15 years ago)Comment (5)
star1888 i woke up in the middle of the night n now i cant go to sleep... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 i so hungry... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 My sister kicked me in my face and my nose started to bleed...-.- that stupid brat - (15 years ago)Comment (7)
star1888 I had a good day today ^.^ - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 grrrrrrr its monday... I have to work today... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 yay! the saints won!!! - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 Im totally bored. - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 texting during class is fun :) - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
star1888 s(he) be(lie)ve(d) - (15 years ago)Comment (2)