I really just want see u happy even if the person u love out not be me :-) - (10 years ago)Comment (0)
evawawa18 (8 years ago) Have a wonderful nightTake care
Avdool1 (9 years ago) Hy
uzeey (10 years ago) Assalam alaikum wr wb All friends
uzeey (10 years ago) Yes... balli i'm fine also thank u 2
uzeey (10 years ago) Yeah mashaa allah Kismat Eld-mubarak also may allah accept whole our ibadah ameen summa ameen..
balli01 (10 years ago) Yea I'm appsolutly Fine Dear and How are you...?I Hope you fine too
KismatB (10 years ago) may i can't wish on Eid dayso advance *****May Allah flood your life with ...
ibrahim9837 (10 years ago) ……… wa Alykum Elsalam w.whave aNice times Thanks my friend… Glad have your message Ibrahim…. ...
uzeey (10 years ago) thankfully xebelzej how re u..??
Xabelzej (10 years ago) Good morning
uzeey (10 years ago) People say u cannot live without love...But I think oxygen is more important
ibrahim9837 (10 years ago) oh....Thanks my friend Uzeey.. I'm fine..hope ur too.Nice evening to you tooIbrahim....
ibrahim9837 (11 years ago) wa Alyloum Elsalam w.w Thanks my Dear Friend Nice evening..... happy times Ibrahim. .
ibrahim9837 (11 years ago) Thanks my friend.happy evening to you too. sweet times.Ibrahim. .
ibrahim9837 (11 years ago) waAlykoum Elsalam w.wUzeey.Nice ecening. Ibrahim. .